Managed a couple hours out last night, this time armed with some bits I picked up at Bens' shop - A Mebaru pocket in pack and some Spro 28mm Pearl shads.
I fished a 10 meter stretch of Harbour wall, managing 3 fish - 2x Pouting and a Pollock. The interesting thing is that they all took the lures in different ways. The first Pouting was taken a 1.5'' Grass Minnow on a swung drop, parrallel to the wall - maybe holding a foot off the wall. The take was pretty positive. After that, interest wained and it was time to switch tactics.
I fished a 10 meter stretch of Harbour wall, managing 3 fish - 2x Pouting and a Pollock. The interesting thing is that they all took the lures in different ways. The first Pouting was taken a 1.5'' Grass Minnow on a swung drop, parrallel to the wall - maybe holding a foot off the wall. The take was pretty positive. After that, interest wained and it was time to switch tactics.
On with a 2" pink Power Shirasu, no interest at all. Change over to the same lure in pearl colour, no interest on the drop - let it settle on the bottom, shakey shakey and deadstick = fish on. Very aggressive take, shot off like a Wrasse, Pouting number 2 on the deck. Thinking that this may be the key now, I stick with the shakey style, couple nibbles but no more takes. I bring the lure up slowly until possibly 2 meters deep, and all the way I'm getting bights that I just can't connect with - as the lure comes in to sight, I can see that there are 2 Pollock flanking the lure, but clearly never taking a bite. Interesting. Now I know that not every bite I'm feeling, is actually a bite. Swap around lures a little, get exactly the same reaction from the fish, no bite, just flank.
Last lure to try is a Spro Trout Shad, which comes in at 28mm - pretty minute. I see some decent mullet cruising past, manage to sight fish to them a little. No interest whatsoever, even put it past ones mouth and it either didn't see it, or just didn't care. Will try again for those guys though for sure!
Slight change of tactics, I'm able to cast just short of the boats moored opposite. Try out a 'swung' drop for a bit, no interest. Then I recall some stuff about 'feeding the fall' and getting the lure to drop horizontally. I get a couple of positive plucks at the lure now, nothing that I'm able to connect with though. So I follow the same pattern, feed the drop - but now I start a dead slow retrieve(KVD??) and within 5 turns of the handle, solid hit and fish on. Nice powerful fight on the CarboStar, beaming smile and Pollock on the deck.
Last lure to try is a Spro Trout Shad, which comes in at 28mm - pretty minute. I see some decent mullet cruising past, manage to sight fish to them a little. No interest whatsoever, even put it past ones mouth and it either didn't see it, or just didn't care. Will try again for those guys though for sure!
Slight change of tactics, I'm able to cast just short of the boats moored opposite. Try out a 'swung' drop for a bit, no interest. Then I recall some stuff about 'feeding the fall' and getting the lure to drop horizontally. I get a couple of positive plucks at the lure now, nothing that I'm able to connect with though. So I follow the same pattern, feed the drop - but now I start a dead slow retrieve(KVD??) and within 5 turns of the handle, solid hit and fish on. Nice powerful fight on the CarboStar, beaming smile and Pollock on the deck.
So as you can see, I kind of had to keep adapting to induce the takes - But this is what I'm loving about LRF - True adapt and overcome stuff.
All lures were on 1.8g Shirasu heads with #6 hooks, I'll certainly be going lighter and experimenting more as my collection grows and I'll be sharing any findings on here along the way.
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