Monday, 18 October 2010

A Top(water) Day

Had a nice day out yesterday. Went with Stevie over to Whitsands Bay in S.E. Cornwall and met up with Lure Forum members Marq and Toby Harnett. Arrived to Mediterranean looking water, with little or no movement and barely a breeze. Hardly ideal Bass fishing conditions, but a nice day to be out all the same.

Toby had already had a Bass at 44cm(Bent Minnow), good work in the conditions. It was clear that things would be slow though. Managed a Gar on the Feed Shallow Mullet pretty early on. There wasn't much else happening, so it was decided we'd explore a few gullies a bit further up the beach.

We all spread out over what looks like some of the Bassiest looking water I've ever fished - can't wait to fish some of these gullies with some movement in the water! I quickly winkled out another Gar, this time off the top and on the slinky little number so fondly known as the Pink Lady.

I hear calling in the distance and I'm was being beckoned over by the others who were making off back down the beach. I then noticed why, a decent amount of bird action with possibly 20 Gulls picking food from the top layer of water. By the time I got there, the birds weren't so localised and had spread out. Tried with the Lady for a little longer with no interest, so decided to try the Patchinko(Nacre). Surely far too lairy for these conditions? Apparently not, hooked into a Bass that probably wasn't much more than double the size of the lure. Hungry? This kind of set the tone really, as the only other Bass I managed was pretty much of the same stamp although taken on the Lady. Did managed a follow from a group of fish next cast, but they hung pretty deep underneath and didn't make a concerted effort to rise into it.

Organised a bit of a meet at this spot for the coming Sunday, initial weather forecast looks like a mostly dry day, with winds up to 35kmh from the North. Will keep an eye on these conditions and hopefully see a drop in the wind by then, but retain some movement in the water. Looking forward to meeting some of the names from the Forum.

We won't talk about Stevie blanking.....

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